Ivan Franko and Biblia Apocrypha

The book by Yaroslava Melnyk «Ivan Franko and Biblia Apocrypha» is dedicated to the study of the apocryphal discourse of Ivan Franko. In Franko’s texts the problem of introduction of apocryphal works into the Ukrainian literature and their transformations is highlighted. The apocryphal code of Franko's literary text, textology of the collection «Apocryphal and Legends from Ukrainian Manuscripts» are researched. The author also analyses peculiarities of national discourse of I. Franko, in particular his comparative literary studies. 

The corpus of apocryphal texts «Finding Holy Things» from the writer’s archives is published for the first time.

See also:

Bibliography of history of the Ukrainian-Polish relations: social, political and economic processes (from Myron Korduba’s card catalogue)
Voices of night and daylight: on the waves of «Independence» radio
One hundred steps to temple: unknown about the known