Historical and Cultural Studies / [Responsible editor: M. Lytvyn]; National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies . – Lviv, 2014-2015. – Issue 6-7. – 478 p.
Articles and materials on various issues from the history of Ukraine and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the XIX – the early XX century were contained in the next edition.
Represented in the collection rubrics show the formation of collective identities in the ХІХth – the early ХХth century, pages of military and church history, the studies of the Soviet past, biographical researches. Publishing oral history materials was launched in the collection that captures the experiences of the creators of modern history. Reviews and inspections rounding out the collection and acquaint readers with trends in modern historiography of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, and USA. Authors violated methodological aspects of the study of national identity, personal history, gender studies, textual analysis of sources and constructing images in public opinion.
Articles of the researchers from Poland and Austria are published in Ukrainian translation.
- Olena Arkusha (Lviv). «We Don’t Know the Borders»: Polish Landowners’ Models Behavior for Ukrainians in Eastern Galicia Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
- Adam Świątek (Krakow). Art in the service of the nation. The role of painting in shaping perceptions of Poles on Ruthenian lands during the Partitions. Translated from Polish by Olena Arkusha
- Ivanna Cherchovych (Lviv). «Rusyn, do not marry Polish woman – there will be always disputes»: to the history of mixed marriages in Galicia at the second part of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century
- Marian Mudryi (Lviv). Between explanation, justification and censure: the image of «Ruthenians of Polish nation» in Galician publicistics on the eve of the First World War
- Eva Nizinska (Warsaw). Tolerance, cohabitation or isolation? The nationality situation in the town on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland. Casus Sambir 1918–1939. Translated from Polish by Anna Varanytsia
- Mariana Baidak (Lviv). Women daily spaces during the First World War (by Galician example in the light of personal sources)
- Adam Ostanek (Warsaw). Pacification of 1930 – the action or the reaction of Polish authorities in the security context. Translated from Polish by Anna Varanytsia
- Wojciech Wlodarkiewich (Warsaw, Siedlce). Polish military preparations for the war in 1939 in the south-east provinces and its impact on the security of the Second Polish Republic. Translated from Polish by Ivanna Cherchovych
- Helping warriors: priests, doctors, volunteers and rescuers in the War-Zone in Eastern Ukraine (Interview with o. Polycarp Matselyuk). Prepress by Olena Lukachuk
- Burkhard Wöller (Vienna). Catolization as a «civilizing mission». Confessional issue in Lviv historiography at the second part of the 19th century. Translated from German by Iryna Shabajkovych
- Natalia Kolb (Lviv). «Would like to have the Men for the Church, not for the continuation of political experiments with the Church»: the appointment of the Galician greek-catholic Metropolitan and the Bishop of Stanislaviv (1898–1899)
- Roman Lekhniuk (Lviv). Church in vision of Ukrainian conservative environments in Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century
- Sofia Predka (Lviv). Religiosity in the private sphere of Ukrainians of Halychyna in 1920–1930th
- Halyna Bodnar (Lviv). Memory of Everyday Life in Soviet Times: Vision of Home in the Minds of the Residents of L’viv (Based on the Project «L’viv in the XX-th Century. The History of One Street»)
- Yulija Shelep (Lviv). Professional ethics of Soviet officials in the Ukrainian SSR in the 1970s and at the beginning of the 1980s (based on complaints)
- Iryna Derevchuk (Lviv). Images of «happy Soviet childhood» in the official propaganda: octobrists, pioneers, komsomol members
- Olena Hanusyn (Lviv). The structure of the collective image of the Ukrainian intellectuals (intelligentsia) in Galicia in the second half of the XIX – at the beginning of XX century
- Anna Varanytsia (Lviv). About the limits of prosopography analysis as a method of research on teachers of elementary schools in Galicia at the second part of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century
- Olena Lukachuk (Lviv). Dalia Grybauskaite: Constructing an Image of Politician in Modern Information Space
- The Career Practices in Contemporary Ukraine (Interview with Igor Zinkevych). Prepress by Olena Lukachuk
- Revealing the art of political game. Book review: Waldemar Łazuga. Kalkulować... Polacy na szczytach c. k. monarchii. – Poznań: Wydawnictwo «Zysk i S-ka», 2013. – 458 s. (Olena Arkusha)
- Why we should research «Gente Rutheni, natione Poloni»? Book review: Adam Świątek. Gente Rutheni, natione Poloni. Z dziejów Rusinów narodowości polskiej w Galicji. – Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2014. – 512 s.: il. (Marian Mudryi)
- What notarial acts can tell about women? Book review: Szczepan Kozak. Kobieta na prowincji galicyjskiej w świetle akt notarialnych 1871–1914. Studium historyczno-źródłoznawcze. – Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013. – 259 s.: il. (Ivanna Cerchovych)
- Were women in the war? Some examples of American historiography about the place of sex in the world armed conflicts (Gender and war in 20th century Eastern Europe / Ed. by Nancy Meriwether Wingfield, Maria Bucur. – Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2006. – 251 p.; Atwood K. Women Heroes of World War II: 26 stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance and Rescue / Kathryn Atwood. – Chicago Review Press, 2011. – 272 p.; Creveld M. V. Men, Women and War / Martin Van Creveld. – Bodmin, Cornwall, 2001. – 288 p.). (Mariana Baidak)
- Can the education be free of politics? Book review: Karol Sanojca. Relacje polsko-ukraińskie w szkolnictwie państwowym południowo-wschodnich województw Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. – Kraków: Historia Iagellonica, 2014. – 477 s. (Anna Varanytsia)
- Sovietology searching the subjects and research methodology. Book review: Конструируя «советское»? Политическое сознание, повседневные практики, новые идентичности. Материалы девятой международной конференции студентов и аспирантов (16–18 апреля 2015 года, Санкт-Петербург) / [Составители и редакторы: Е. Жданкова, Р. Гильминтинов, В. Березина, Т. Раков, Е. Калеменева, А. Бабкина]. – Санкт-Петербург: Издательство Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, 2015. – 230 с. (Yulija Shelep)
- What people say about contemporary Ukraine in Lithuania? Book review: Vytautas Landsbergis. Ukrainos Golgota 2013–2014. – Vilnius, 2015. – 297 p. (Olena Lukachuk)