Розділ 10 Plany aprowizacji Wojska Polskiego w chleb na czas wojny w 1939 roku

Grzegorz Jakub Jasinski
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Grzegorz Jakub Jasinski
Making use of the literature on the subject, but first and foremost of numerous, hitherto overlooked in research, accounts of the officers of the Polish Army's intendant service written down during the Second World War operations, the author presents issues related to the planning of the Polish Army's victualling during the war in the basic food product, namely bread. Describing this subject in a chronological and problematic order, the author shows that the victualling system created in the 1930s proved successful to a limited extent, namely only in terms of accumulating the supply of rye necessary for baking bread in the first stage of military operations. Using concrete examples, he goes on to demonstrate that the preparations made in connection with the storage of rye, its processing and bread baking, as well as its distribution, were inadequate and insufficient even in peacetime, and that these problems were significantly exacerbated during the war. This, in turn, had a direct impact on the collapse of bread supplies to numerous units of the Polish Army as early as the first week of the September battles, and consequently contributed to a decline in their combat capability and morale. The short-lived war did not reveal all the shortcomings associated with the army's bread supply preparations, although even so, by the end of the first decade of September it was not a regular item on the daily menu of fighting soldiers in the field. With each passing day, however, the situation worsened. Therefore, the problem described would certainly have been particularly acute in a prolonged conflict. 

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17 грудня 2024 року в Інституті українознавства ім.І.Крип’якевича відбулася передріздвяна майстерка із плетення солом’яних павуків.