Розділ 13 Імперські концепти російської інформаційної політики

Віталій Виздрик
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Vitaliy Vyzdryk

The ideology of the «Russkiy mir» as an informational component of Russian aggression against Ukraine was born in the 1990s, at the initial stage it has a theoretical, even utopian character, and manifested itself in an aggressive form at the beginning of the 21st century. This ideology has a supranational character, its sphere of cultural realization includes Ukraine, Belarus (sometimes Moldova and Kazakhstan). It opposes the collective West, identifies itself as a spiritual center, imbued with a narrative about common history, culture and religion, acts as a tool for the popularization of the Russian language and culture, where a special role is assigned to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian government is increasingly using ideological propaganda as a weapon to increase anti-Western sentiment among its citizens and intimidate its Western neighbors.

The Russian Federation spends enormous resources on supporting and spreading pro-Russian narratives among Europeans through a network of international exchanges and ties with universities, local right-wing, left-wing or simply pro-Russian mass media, political parties, the Russian church, a number of experts from universities, think tanks or simply journalists who position themselves as experts on Russia / Ukraine issues.


Веселого Різдва та щасливого Нового року!

Шановні колеги! З прийдешнім Різдвом та Новим роком!

В Інституті Відбулася передріздвяна майстерка із плетення солом’яних павуків

17 грудня 2024 року в Інституті українознавства ім.І.Крип’якевича відбулася передріздвяна майстерка із плетення солом’яних павуків.