The Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the Struggle Against Totalitarian Regimes. Series editor laroslav Isaievych, compiled and edited by lurii Slyvka. Lviv: I.Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2004 (Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood, vol. 11). - 296 s.
This special issue of Ukraina: kul'turna spadshchyna, natsionalna svidomist', derzhavnist' includes studies on the domestic and foreign political circumstances of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), stages of the formation of its structure, tactics, and strategy, its role in the struggle for the independence and unity of Ukraine, its participation in the resistance movement against the totalitarian regimes of East Central Europe, about the repressions by fascist and Soviet authorities against the participants of the liberation movement, as well as about the representation of the UPA in art.
This publication was made possible by the Ukrainian Studies Fund, Inc., an US educational non-profit charity for the advancement of Ukrainian studies.
ISBN 966-02-3317-5